Well most people would have seen some of the guidelines from the govt for when we move to level 2.
We are not there yet but it is tantalisingly close. Until then please remember to abide by level 3 rules.
We are still waiting on full details on what that means in terms of playing golf at level 2 We do anticipate being able to start playing tournaments again. This will mean changes to the the club program and once these are decided they will be communicated accordingly
We expect that no matter what restrictions are reduced the requirements for contact tracing will remain.
Therefore TEE BOOKING will be an essential part in meeting that requirement and will continue to run.
No Tee Booking No Play
Tee Bookings can currently be made in the following ways for Affiliated Golfers
Log in to the NZ Golf Website and book online
Use the Dot Golf App
Phone 0276202106
Register a visit on our website. www.stratfordgolfclub.org
Non Affiliated Visitors - Must Register on our website - Once level 2 reached this will be reviewed
Once we move to level 2 and can have the touch screens on, these will also be able to take tee bookings
Multiple player tee bookings will come available at LEVEL 2 until then all group tee bookings are being moderated
Thanks for your patience