Here I was expecting to get an update from NZ Golf on new guidelines for level 2. They have come back to us with no official guidance or rules and are still waiting for the Government to confirm. They can confirm the golf will continue and at this stage we will continue under 2020 level two rules with the exception of
:- a limit to 50 in the clubhouse.
:- face masks to be worn indoors but not required when eating or drinking
:- maintaining the 2m distancing rule
Please see the list on our Covid 19 - level 2 page for the full list
The Club Captain is currently doing up a draw for this Saturdays Top Dog Quailifying
- so contact Murray if you have any particular time requirements for tee off.
For contact tracing requirements bookings must continue. No booking on play. Booking slots for level 2 will be open soon.
Stay Safe