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Club Captain MC

Match play definitely dodged a bullet on Saturday with the course drying out enough to get another round of Match Play done and dusted, we now head to the business end of this competition and there will be some absolute cracking matches in all 4 divisions, weather looks good this weekend so I would suggest all of the players who can see who their opponent is take the opportunity to play rather than risk playing in the wet a week later, draws are below and on FB, if you need opposition contact details flick me a txt.

For those no longer in the Match Play there will be a Stableford haggle to take part in.

The following Saturday the 20th is the clubs annual Mid Winter Open and as per normal I have a whole 15 entries and I thank those 15 for entering, makes it bloody hard for me to organize catering and prizes though if everybody waits till the week of the comp to enter and then grizzles if we get it wrong so if I don't have 40 entries by the end of the weekend I'm going to bin the comp and go mow my lawns as I actually have a real job as well so please get those entries to me this week.




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