Here is an update for you all on how the Matchplay is going across all the divisions, there have certainly been a few Suprise results which is great to see, weather has thrown the schedule out a little and we are currently 3 matches behind across Seniors and Intermediates which in effect throws us out one more week, this week the plan is to get those last 3 games caught up, seen as the weather does look decent though for this Saturday I would suggest if you can play your semifinal in any of the divisions then please do so as playing in the rain sucks and with my luck it will if you wait.
The Stratford Garage Doors Egmont Champs have been changed to the 11th of May rather than the initial date of 18th so please get your entries in ASAP as these tournaments don't just magic themselves up and a fair chunk of work has to be done.
In ending congrats to all the winners and see you Saturday for a haggle with a twist in the sun I hope, this week's haggle you can pick the tee colour you wish to tee off from, should be interesting
