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Opening Day Irish Stableford

Club Captain MC

Happy New Year to all the members and welcome to a few more new ones, 2022 whilst been a pain in the butt weather wise saw some of our biggest numbers turning up so Brad and I thank you for that.

This Saturday is Opening Day so for something which is a bit of fun we have set up and Irish Stableford that is open to both men and women and has an entry fee of $10. There won't be an official draw this week so if you need help to get in a group just let the starter know

The following Saturday Is the Team Hope Charity Tournament so if you haven't already entered in this competition best you plan something else for your day as the field is full and the course will be closed to non-entrants for the day.

The 28th of January is our first Club competition which is the Summer Cup so expect a txt asking if you wish to enter as we will run an official draw for this 2-week comp.

Weather permitting don't forget about twilight Wednesday, it would seem we would need a hurricane to stop most of you coming as numbers are pretty good even when its sketchy as and looking at the forecast for Wednesday it certainly doesn't look great but we will run it if the numbers are there.




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