Saturday saw the completion of the Summer Cup which was hotly contested over the two rounds with Jamie Anderson coming out on top shooting 2 nett scores in the 60’s, attached are the two round results along with the Saturday haggle where Graham Christie edged out Mike Brown to claim top prize.
This long weekend sees the annual trip to Wairekei with 26 making the trek over, there will be a haggle available at the club so see Bryan Daysh who will take the entries and I will sort out prizes the following week.
March 18th sees Stroke Play champs kick off for 3 straight weeks so for those of you farming your handicap not long to wait now, kidding of course but if you play well or badly during Stroke Play your handicap may change the division you are eligible for in Match Play which this year will be seeded off index and kicks off the week after Easter.
Our pennant boys have found the going tough this year with 2 wins and 2 loses after going down to Westown at Inglewood on Sunday but all have been gaining valuable experience.

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