For those of you who didn't know the Top Dog Draw is out, it is easy enough for you to find on the Stratford Golf Club web site, just look under tournaments and go to Men's Trophies, from there scroll along to Top Dog in the grey banner and select 2022 draw form there, sounds simple eh Henry :)
I have attached a copy to this post, I'm pleased to say we have nearly filled the draw with only 4 byes and if by chance you are still keen to play we will do our best to accommodate or if you are available the following Saturday we will still have room in Under Dog field.
Remember it is up to you guys to liaise with your opponents in regards to tee times and it is okay to play your match if you have an agreement on another day as long as match is decided before the following Saturday.
Next Saturday after the second round of matchplay it is our intention to run a Calcutta on the last 8 teams in the Top Dog field so if you are keen to have a crack at winning make sure you hang around and either buy some tickets or be there for the auction.
There will be no haggle the next two Saturdays, if anyone has any questions feel free to speak to Brad or myself and if by chance there are any disputes within your match you need to bring it to the match committee's attention immediately after the game if you need a ruling.
Good luck to all the entrants, weather looks okay .......... sort of :)
