Saturday we crowned the 2024 Top & Under Dog Champions, wily old vet Billy Kelly combined with the fast improving Olly Smithson to take out Top Dog from Grant Kite and Geoff Otterson
In Under Dog the seasoned duo and defending holders of Dinky Dymond & Matthew McDonald proved to steady to win on the 18th over Nick Callingham and Duncan MacDonald, congrats guys
Next big tournament coming up is the Clay Miller/Todd Birrell Labour weekend pairs Ambrose Comp on the 26/27th of October, this is a cracking competition with over half the field winning prizes, meal will be provided at a cost for the 2 days of only $70 pp, so get your entry in as a max of 36 teams and we have 30 already.
Nov 3rd is our 100 club and most of you would have already received a txt and thankyou to half the field who have contacted me back and I'm pleased to say that everyone has kept their ticket thus far.
If you haven't yet replied please do so and get your entry paid as it's a super busy time of the year for me organizing some of the clubs' biggest comps and as I'm not standing for Club Captain in 2025 I would like to finish as I started, If you need any info in regards to the 2 above comps just let me know.
Sunday we are sending the team of Harley Cooper, Mike Brown, Mark Midgely and Julie Erwood to Inglewood to represent Stratford in the Top Club competition so I wish them well for that and thank you for stepping up to play.
Champion of Champions is this year being held at Westown on the 16th Nov so stroke play winners have all been contacted and just waiting on responses of availability.
Good golfing everyone
