So here’s the report for the last couple of Saturdays of September…….. it rained, not just a little but a lot !!
Finally though all the quarter finals in both comps have been played so this Saturday the following semi finals are to be played.
Top Dog semi’s are Murray Cook/Clay Millar vs Gonzo Merson/Peter Shearer and Nick Callingham/Graham Christie vs James Smithson/Graham Kelly
Under Dog semi’s are Grant Kite/Michael Taylor vs Vaughan Jones/Leon Eagar and Terry Johnson/Brian Daysh vs Matt McDonald/Warren Dymond
This Saturday there will be a Stableford haggle which is available to the woman as well, there will be no draw so just turn up.
Labour Weekend we are holding our annual 2 day pairs Ambrose on Saturday and Sunday with a mass tee off at 10.30am, it’s a maximum of 36 teams so don’t miss out and get me your team entry ASAP.
November 6th is our 100 Club which you should have received a txt about so if didn’t please contact me to confirm you can play and please get you’re payment done by paying online, at the bar or dropping cash in at Cooks Honda prior to the 6th, I do have 3 tickets spare if you wish to enter this awesome club event so give me a call on 021936082, you don’t have to be a member or even play golf to own a ticket either .😄
Last Wednesday the club held its first twilight golf night on what was a glorious late afternoon and out of the gate we had 69 players turn up, this year we have The Farmers Grill food trailer on site and they proved a real hit with their meals so if you are thinking about having a go get on down here and join the fun
